Thursday, February 21, 2013

The First Assingment

At Monday Class, at the creative writing class, I was asked by my teacher, Mr.Dalih about what is reality? One of the answer, something can be considered as real when it can be sensed with either one or all of the five senses of ours as a human. So, something is real if it can be seen, touched, heard, smelt, or tasted. I agree with this, but one thing that I believe is not all the things that what our five senses are felt is real, because…if it is lthe case…then why there is a lie in this world? A lie is something that can be heard by usa, right? But a lie is not real right? So, in my opinion not everything that we can sense with our senses is real.

What we actually see maybe is a hallucination, what we actually hear maybe is a lie, what we taste maybe is an imagination, what we smell is maybe a deceit, and what we touch maybe is an illusion. It is not something real, yet in our thought we consider it as something real. So in my opinion, no matter what, something can be consider as a reality…only if a person believe that it is real (because as you can see in the reality, a person that suffers mild depression disorders will see the world with different reality that us who is normal, even though in reality we live in the same world).  

And in here…I will tell you, what my five senses believes as something real. This is my reality…and what I believe is something real. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My First Creative Writing Class

Today, I have my first creative writing class! To be honest...I am really waiting for this class, because more than anything I like and enjoy to write and really want to write! For me, writing is like a magic, just with words, simple letters, it can makes many different worlds, creates many stories that entrance and mesmerize the one who read it. Just with letters, that creates words, yet there are so many things that you can make from it, reality...or purely imagination. When i write something, especially fiction stories,  I feel like I am dreaming, live in an imaginary wold where all my fantasies exists, and in here, I can be anything that I like, and whatever I myself wanted me to be. I really hope with take this class, I can write better, and creates more enjoyable, and beautiful stories more than ever.