Wednesday, February 20, 2013
My First Creative Writing Class
Today, I have my first creative writing class! To be honest...I am really waiting for this class, because more than anything I like and enjoy to write and really want to write! For me, writing is like a magic, just with words, simple letters, it can makes many different worlds, creates many stories that entrance and mesmerize the one who read it. Just with letters, that creates words, yet there are so many things that you can make from it, reality...or purely imagination. When i write something, especially fiction stories, I feel like I am dreaming, live in an imaginary wold where all my fantasies exists, and in here, I can be anything that I like, and whatever I myself wanted me to be. I really hope with take this class, I can write better, and creates more enjoyable, and beautiful stories more than ever.
And the class does not disappoint me. The question that was asked at the start of the class is really something that makes me think a is an interesting question, about what is reality? There are many things that can be said to answer that question, since what is reality is different according to each person in this world. Well...the answer of the question is already answered at the class, but actually I have something that is kind of different to answer the question.
In my opinion...something is real...because we believe that it is real. In my opinion, if what we can feel by our five senses, can be seen and be proven with the help of technology, tools, or other things, and can be proven by the models or other things is what we call as real...then how we can explain the different perspective of a human? How can we explain what the people always call as a lie, an illusion, an imagination, a dream, or a hallucination? Is it real? All of that is actually something that is not real, right? Yet, why do they exist? It can be felt by our senses, it can be proven that they are exist, scientifically or not, and yet does it real? Surely people who feel those things will think they are real, yet how with other people who are not? Do they call it real? So that's why in my opinion, what we call as something real will only be real if the person believes that it is real.
And the assignments...I enjoy it too! With writing a description about what our five senses are felt today it will improve my writing skills (hopefully) and with tell us what is the difference between just 'telling' and 'showing' it bring me to a new understanding, to a new perspective that I hope will make me feel happy to write, and be better in it.
Anyway...I love this class today, it helps me a lot to improve my writing skills, and the atmosphere of the class is enjoyable too! I think I will enjoy the next class next week (hopefully again)! Goodbye ^^
Creative Writing corner
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