Saturday, March 16, 2013

Graduation Day Romance

Cast: Lee Jihyun (OC)
       :Kim Myungsoo (Infinite)

Dislclaimer: Every Idol that I used in this fanfiction are not mine. They are sign a contract with their agency, and is his/her parents', families', their fans', and The Almighty God. I just borrow their name to make this fanfic ^^.

I hope you enjoy

Three years together…so many beautiful and precious memories happened between you and me. To be honest…I don’t want all of that to be just mere memories, that can only happen in the past, be remembered at the present, and then be forgotten at the future. I want it to be happen again and again…even after this graduation day.

I have a dream that I want to pursue since I was a child. But now…after spent these last three years with you, I start to forget that dream. My dream now is to be forever with you, even if I must forget my dream to make it happen.

Warning: Blabla: The present
                  BlaBla: The past

Today, the cherryblossoms danced happily because of the wind, like the humans that was dancing, accompanied with the beautiful music. The refreshing wind of the spring blew gently like it hug her and all the occupants o the school. At one classroom, Lee Jihyun, a slightly short (but she was not a midget), long black hair girl with a cute face stood against the window. She was holding a graduation certificate tightly at her hands. The cute girl smiled sadly when she saw the certificate at her hand. The certificate reminded her that today was her graduation day….

The last day for her to step her feet into this school after studied and came to this school for three years. The school that had so many meanings for her and so precious for her. This school held so many stories for her. This school also became a place where she has met Kim Myungsoo, her classmate, her bestfriend, and a person…that she always loved until now….

Jihyun closed her eyes for a moment when all the memories of the past flashed at her head. “Everything is already over, right…Myungsoo-oppa?” she muttered softly when she felt the tears that gathered at her eyes. “You know, if I can turn back time, I want to repeat all those three years in this school once more, to do everything with you again, to talk about everything with you once more….” The black haired girl glanced at her classroom for a moment with a sad looks. “This class for example…always be the silent spectators of your protest when I always come late to walk back home with you….”

“Jihyun-ah, you late again!” Myungsoo exclaimed in anger when he saw Jihyun walked into the classroom with an innocent smile formed at her face.

“Sorry, oppa~” said Jihyun while she bowed her body several times. “I’m so sorry~the club’s meeting finished slower than I thought!”

“You always says that as your reason, I start to think that you are lying!” said Myungsoo coldly. “I am tired to wait for you when you always come late like this, Jihyun-ah! Do you think a mere sorry is enough?!!”

“Oppa, since when you become so heartless like this?!!” Jihyun whined to her bestfriend. “You are so cruel, Myungie-oppa! Do you not love me anymore?!!”

Myungsoo decided to ignore the ‘Myungie’ nickname (that there were only two people in this world would use, one his childhood friend, Lee Sungyeol and Jihyun, when both of them want something from him) and shook his head. “Sorry, Jihyun-ah, but it’s the last time for me to wait for you. I am tired to wait for here to hours and find you never come until it is so late and—”

Myungsoo’s words being cut off when Jihyun suddenly kissed Myungsoo’s lips. Myungsoo stunned for a moment when he felt Jihyun’s lips touched his and Jihyun, being a childish person that love to tease people like she was, smiled and deepened the kiss for a moment before pulled away from Myungsoo and pecked the black haired boy at the cheek.

“It’s my sorry for make you wait for me, oppa~” Jihyun said while giggling slightly. “If it’s not enough sorry for you, I am willing to give you as many kisses as you want, oppa~. Just come to me and I will kiss you happily, with so much pleasure~”

“D…don’t say something like that!” Myungsoo said while his face covered by a crimson blush. “L…let’s go home now! It’s already late!” the black haired boy said. He quickly grabbed his bag and walked out of the classroom, followed by Jihyun that trailed happily behind the black haired boy.
“So…oppa will wait for me again tomorrow, right?” asked Jihyun happily to Myungsoo that still blushed in embarrassment. “Because if oppa want to wait for me tomorrow, maybe I will give you a French ki—”

“YES, I WILL WAIT FOR YOU TOMORROW!” Myungsoo yelled before he ran away from the black haired girl, made Jihyun giggled loudly when she saw the black haired boy’s cute reaction before quickly ran to go after Myungsoo.


Jihyun leaned herself at the table beside her and looked up to the window to see the sky above her. The sky was so bright and beautiful really in contrast with her heart’s condition now.

“I always want to support you, Myungsoo-oppa…even though I know that one day you will leave me. Even though I know that one day everything between us will come to an end, I think I will be alright but now…it feels so hurt….” Jihyun looked down, saw many students that also graduated today talked happily with each other at the school’s park. “Since when…you really fill my though and heart like this, oppa? To make it feels very hurt like this when you leave me?”

“My dream?” Jihyun asked. “I want to marry Myungsoo-oppa and become your wife!” said Jihyun innocently (or shamelessly) that made her get a soft smack from Myungsoo.

“Don’t say something so embarrassing like that!” said Myungsoo to Jihyun that now pouted cutely while rubbed her head. Jihyun smiled when she saw her (now) lover’s reaction.

“How about you, oppa? What is your dream?” Jihyun asked when she drank her mocacchino and looked at her lover.

“I want to be a photographer,” Myungsoo said while smiled slightly. “I want to capture all the beautiful things in the world in a photo and show it to anyone, to make people realize the world outside theirs. It will be so exciting, to collect photos from around the world and then make my own photo studio….”

Jihyun smiled when he heard the childish enthusiasm in Myungsoo’s voice. “One day you will be a great photographer, oppa! I believe that!” Jihyun said while she caressed Myungsoo’s black hair.

But her smile faded immediately when she realized that if Myungsoo wanted to be a photographer that will travel around the world to do his job, they must took a separate way from each other and the black haired boy would leave Jihyun later…. She didn’t know when…but it would be happen someday for sure….

While he saw Jihyun’s faded smile, Myungsoo quickly hugged the black haired girl. “Don’t be sad, Jihyun-ah, I will never leave you alone. There are many ways to contact you, right?” said the black haired boy while smiled and kissed Jihyun’s forehead.

“Like?” asked Jihyun in confusion.

“Well…I can still call you or send you e-mail, right? And then there are facebook, twitter, tumblr, or any other social network media that we can use to contact each other even though we are so far away from each other. I will always contact you, so you don’t need to feel sad,” said Myungsoo while he stood up and pulled Jihyun up with him. “So, don’t be sad anymore, okay? A sad face is not suit you at all, Jihyun-ah.”

Jihyun smiled when she felt Myungsoo’s hand’s warmth. “Okay!” she chirped happily to his lover, made Myungsoo’s smile became wider.

“After all….” Myungsoo turned his body so he was backing Jihyun, made she couldn’t see the black haired boy face. “You…want to be my wife, right? So we will meet again one day. If you are not there with me , how can I propose you?” said Myungsoo while he walked away, left a stunned Jihyun alone before the black haired girl laughed and piggybacked Myungsoo to their class.


Jihyun clutched her blouse for a moment before reached into her blouse and pulled out a chain necklace, where there was a small glass tube with a four leaf clover placd inside hung down. Jihyun smiled. “All those sweet memories…all those precious memories with you…are the most important ones for me, oppa….”

“What are you doing, Jihyun-ah?” asked Myungsoo when he saw the black haired girl crawled along the clover field, inspected all and each the clover that she saw at the field.

“I am looking for a four-lead clover, oppa~” whined Jihyun while she kept crawled along the field. “And still not find even one~~”

“For what do you need a four leaf clover?” asked Myungsoo that now stood exactly behind the black haired girl. “Are you not confident enough with the final exams? If you are not, you should study at home, not crawl along the clover field all day like this….”

“Shut up, Myungsoo-oppa!” snapped Jihyun, full of irritation at her voice. “I don’t understand anything that stupid teacher explained to me, so it is useless for me to study! I will choose to crawl along the field al years than to fry my brain with study at home and rot in hell!”

Myungsoo just sighed when he heard Jihyun’s words before he finally knelt down beside the black haired girl. “I will help you to find one,” he said emotionlessly. “But promise me, if we find one you will study harder, okay?”

Jihyun’s face brightened almost immediately when she heard what Myungsoo had said to her. “Thank you so much, oppa~you are really the best boyfriend in the world!” said Jihyun while she hugged Myungsoo.

“And just at the time like this you will say something like that…” Myungsoo muttered. “Usually you say that I am too emotionless and boring.” Jihyun, who heard Myungsoo’s sentences, giggled softly before continued her hunt for her four-leaf clover.

 Both of them kept searching and searching until they didn’t realize that the sun had been setting at the end of the sky, painted the field with its soft orange color.

Suddenly Myungsoo stood up from his earlier position. “I find it Jihyun-ah,” he said while he showed the four-leaf clover at his hand emotionlessly to Jihyun.

“Really? Where? Where?” Jihyun exclaimed while jumped lightly up and down like a childish girl she was. Myungsoo just smiled slightly and gave the clover to the black haired girl.

“Now please come back home and study, okay? Because if you don’t study at all, even though you have one thousand four leaf clover whatsoever you will still be fa—” Myungsoo’s words had been cut off by Jihyun who suddenly hugged the black haired boy tightly.

“Thank you so much, oppa~” she exclaimed happily. “I love you~~”

“Yes, yes, I love you too~ Now, come on, let’s go home! I want to take a bath, I am as sweaty as a pig,” Myungsoo muttered when he held Jihyun’s hand tightly and left the clover field with hands entwined with each other.


With the passing time, three years passed so quickly, faster than both of them wanted. The time of separation arrived, even though Jihyun didn’t want that to happen. She frantically denied the fact that she and Myungsoo would be separated from each other. She wanted to forget the day of her separation with Myungsoo, even though there was a side of his heart that didn’t want to remember the separation day forever.

Because that was the last time she had been spent with Myungsoo…her last memories with the black haired boy….

“Thank you for everything, oppa…” said Jihyun while she forced a smile at her lips when she stood at the gate of the school with Myungsoo one day before the graduation ceremony. She didn’t want her tear-stained face became the last thing that Myungsoo saw from her. Jihyun wanted Myungsoo to see her smile, to make the black haired boy felt that she was willing to let go of him.

“Thank you for everything too, Jihyun-ah…” said Myungsoo softly. Myungsoo held a folder with his graduation certificate and his scholarship papers that he already got inside. It was a scholarship that made Jihyun sure that Myungsoo would really left her.

“I will always be happy and cheerful here until we meet again someday!” said Jihyun while she held the necklace where she placed the four-leaf clover that Myungsoo already gave her. “But…you will contact me everyday, right?”

“I will contact you every day and night if you want me to, Jihyun-ah,” said Myungsoo while smiling softly.

Jihyun hugged Myungsoo tightly. “Goodbye, oppa. I will never forget you…” she muttered softly when she clutched Myungsoo’s uniform tightly.

“I will never forget you too, Jihyun-ah…” Myungsoo whispered while he patted the black haired girl’s head in a comforting manner. “I will miss you, Jihyun-ah….”

They looked at each other for a moment before they met their lips in a soft, loving kiss. The kiss ended faster than what they wanted, but they realized that if the kiss continued, both of them would never let the others go.

Because both of them always wanted to be together….

They smiled to each other for the last time before turned their back against each other and walked the opposite ways with each other without ever glanced back even once.

‘Because…with not seeing his/her face anymore…this feelings and this heart…will not feel so hurt…’ both of them thought with a shaky, sad smile at each other’s lips.


Jihyun looked up to the sky again, exactly when there was a plane that flew through the blue sky. She looked to the plane sadly, knew that the plane maybe was the one that brought Myungsoo to America and left her alone like this. Yes, today Myungsoo went to America, to continue his study there.

“Thank you because you want to be a part of my life until now, oppa. I hope you will be a great photographer at the future.” Jihyun closed her eyes for a moment before opened them again, with a tear slide down her cheeks. “I miss you, oppa, even though I know we can contact each other I still—”

Jihyun’s words had been cut off when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and made her snuggled to someone’s embrace. Her breath hitched when she smelt the familiar scent of faint chocolate from the person behind him. This scent…this warmth…was she dreaming right now? Hallucinating? Or maybe she already went mad because now he imagined a person that was not supposed to be there?

Jihyun quickly turned around and froze when she saw the person that stood behind her.

A black hair as black as a night, cold eagle eyes, and that mysterious smile….

“Congratulation for the graduation, Jihyun-ah…” said Myungsoo while he smiled to the black haired girl that still froze in shock in her seat.

“My…Myungsoo-oppa…?” Jihyun muttered softly. “W…hy? I thought today you supposed to go to America, right?”

“I decided not to go there,” said Myungsoo while he smiled softly and hugged Jihyun. He whispered something to the black haired girl’s ear, made the black haired girl smiled in happiness and kissed the lips of the black haired boy.

“I promise you that I will never leave you, right? I vowed myself…that I will always keep that promise no matter what….”

“After all this is where I am supposed to be…. All my happiness…all my laugh…is here…everything that  I always want and need is here…beside you, at your side, Jihyun-ah….”


Unknown said...

It's such an amazing fanfiction story !!!
I was touched by every word !!!
veryyyy amaaaaazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

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